Ferdinand Vouk
The mayor of borough community
Velden (Vrba) and the delegate of the Socialdemocratic
party in Carinthian land Assembly.
Has the membership of
the community Velden ( Vrba), Carinthia in Alps-Adriatic
Centre for cross-border Co-operation been successful?
Ferdinand Vouk:
Yes, absolutely. AACC planned its objective
to influence positively on economical and cultural
relations between Carinthia and Slovenia. I think
this also was successful. As an example I would mention
our community , when we established contacts through
AACC in year 2004 with the community Bled ( Slovenia
) and from then on a true partnership has developed.
Exactly such organizations contribute that the idea
of United Europe can develop and strengthen. Furthermore
I think that the specific living area within the meeting
point of three cultures in which we live, is a big
that we act more consciously as regions in Europe.
Why is the cooperation
with neighbors on community level so important?
It has shown that in Bled, Gemona and
Velden we have similar tasks and problems. Let it
be town marketing, cooperation of members of communities,
traffic policy, building of flats, tourism or environment
protection- we all are looking for new solutions.
Every community is happy with new initiatives, we
know how important is a view over our own saucer.
One who is ready to follow how people who grew up
in other circumstances are solving the matters, can
learn a lot. Everyone who engages with it will enlarge
his own horizon .To exchange the acquired know-how
, to discuss about common or contrary experiences,
this helps all of us and opens the door to new solutions.
We all know: opening is today also for small communities
a necessary mark.
What connects the people
in community Velden with people in partnership communities
of Bled and Gemona?
Our common partnership is from the very
beginning not only the matter of officials. The citizens
have established a thick net of personal contacts.
Numerous meetings were held: among pupils, older people,
sportsmen/women , artists, institutions, supporters
of culture and of course also among politicians.